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8 ESPN World Top 25 Soccer Clubs
 As their page says, `The ESPN World Club Top 25, a computer-based ranking system developed by ESPN International, will be released every Sunday night throughout the football club season.` See if your favorite team has made the grade.
9 Guide To Popular Nursing Specialties
 Nice list on a very ``pleasant`` page. Each specialty is a link to more information. Excellent navigation on initial and especially subsequent pages.
10 How To Say `Hello` In Different Languages
 It`s neat to greet whomever you meet. Covers 46 languages and provides phonetic spellings which help with pronunciation.
    [Source:Desert News]
11 Kinds Of Phobias
 Long, alphabetized list. Technical names for the various phobias are followed by their descriptions.
    [Source:The Phobia List]
Health/Mental Health]
12 Members of (Jesse) James Gang
    [Source:The James-Younger Gang Website]
Social-Science/History/Old West]
13 Top 100 Colleges Represented In The NFL
 Can you brag about your school?
    [ - ListDBFile!]
14 Top 100 US Newpapers
News and Media/Publishing/Newspapers]
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